order supplies for your store - online

Why order online? These days more of the population are starting to find the advantages of ordering online – and by advantages, we mean:

  • Less time (and money) spent on telephone calls or systems.
  • Less requirement to pickup account details/contact information from person making the order.
  • Automated confirmation email response – allowing staff member to check off stock as its delivered.
  • Can be done anytime – convenient to both the person making the order and the supplier(s)

In order for any business to experience the growth and sustainability that they want, it must adapt with the times and technology that is available to it.

Find below the links to our preferred suppliers that provide online ordering:
“Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day; teach that person to use the Internet and they won't bother you for weeks”

computer master forms

Within each store, a number of computer spreadsheets exist to assist with day to day running of the store, as well as franchisee management. These are vital to ensure your restaurant is running at its most efficient level.

From time to time, these can become unresponsive or their formulas have been broken/modified by inputting incorrectly. Should you need a fresh Master Form - please download from the link below.

Master Template Library

Please note, these Master Templates are generic, and if you are downloading to your store computer, you will need to add restaurant title. Automatic email settings/file sharing will need to be adjusted to ensure minimum disruption.

For assistance, please contact the Orchid Property Services office.